Friday, October 12, 2012

Mesh Loader

A gourd using the obj file from
Ran this on my friend's desktop as my graphics card gave up when I tried running it
1000 iterations

Incorporated an obj loader into the path tracer. Making too many mistakes while writing code, need to concentrate more. But finally got it working. My laptop cannot handle too complex a scene as I did not implement a K-D tree nor any sort of acceleration algorithms to decrease the number of intersection tests. Had fun getting the data into the GPU. Lot of areas for cleanup of code, but don't have time right now as the project is due today. Following is a mesh loaded into the scene.

3000 iterations

Also you can see motion blur for an object, which is just a hardcoded translated value. I haven't considered frames for calculating motion blur. My goal was to create a spline using the frame data and then render the scene based on the spline. This will have to wait as I have lot of other stuff to take care of right now.

Still to come when I get time (hopefully):
  • Spline based motion blur
  • Subsurface scattering
My fresnel was behaving weirdly, have rectified it now. An image showing reflection, refraction, glossy and diffuse surfaces
Reflection, refraction and diffuse surfaces

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